Flower Bulbs & Garden Plants








Why Choose Bloms?


As with everything else in gardening it is important to start with the best planting stock available. The size and condition of the bulbs you plant will more than anything determine the flowers you get. Don't be fooled by cheap imitations. Many of the bargain bulb offers you see are of inferior quality, incorrectly named, undersized and often diseased. You invest time and money in your garden, give yourself a head start by buying the best bulbs you can find.


So why choose Bloms Bulbs?


It's not really something we can answer in a single sentence, however you may be interested to learn that .....

  • Since 1860 Bloms Bulbs has been a family owned and operated company and five generations on we care passionately about the service and products we supply to our customers.
  • All our bulbs are absolutely guaranteed to be true to name, of top size and quality and grown from certified virus free stocks, giving you unequalled value for money.
  • Every year we travel extensively in search of new and unusual plants and bulbs to bring you the very best varieties available in the near future, thus always keeping one step ahead of the competition. We regard ourselves as a market leader.
  • Bloms have been awarded 65 Gold Medals at the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show for our exhibit of cut flower Tulips. And these Tulips are grown from the very same stock which we supply to our customers.
  • We provide better quality bulbs and plants through the use of dedicated storage and treatment facilities, and a wider range than you could ever hope to find in shops and garden centres.
  • And finally, having always been a mail order company we have the experience in storage and delivery logistics to ensure your buying experience on-line fully matches your expectations.