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Compost 4.0

19th September 2022

How do they do that, it’s always sunny on television. Not in my garden...

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Choosing Daffodils

25th July 2022

Daffodils are amongst the most versatile of Spring bulbs, and if timed right can flower in succession from early February into May...

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Better Get On

7th March 2022

​With the official start of spring only two weeks away and hopefully better weather on the horizon, we need to start paying attention to our summer gardens...


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Spectacular Dahlias

14th February 2022

Dahlias are proving as popular as ever for few other plants give the gardener more spectacular rewards.

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About Compost

7th February 2022

This time every year, lilies are the first plants I think about adding to the summer garden.

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Focus on Lilies

24th January 2022

The drier weather at last gives us a chance to carry out a little garden maintenance...

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Off They Go

12th September 2021

Last week I was told that the British own more convertible cars per capita than any other nation...

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Such are Daffidils

5th September 2021

Daffodils are so well known that there is a risk that they can be overlooked or taken for granted and that we forget the range of shapes, sizes, and colours available...

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Chelsea Update

29th August 2021

It is with regret that despite our best endeavours we have had to withdraw from this autumn’s Chelsea Flower Show...

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Bedding Plants of the Spring

8th August 2021

Sunday 9:35 am, and the rain has arrived. Without plenty of sunshine much of our summer bedding lacks the vibrancy of colour enjoyed by our spring bulbs...

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Consider Anemones

4th April 2021

The very cold weather this weekend has temporarily bought any temptation to get out into the garden to a stop...

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1st February 2021

Most of the country is bracing for a cold spell, it looks like a north easterly wind has set in...

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Growing Lilies

3rd January 2021

Given their exquisite flowers, exotic fragrances, varying heights and shapes and the amazing spectrum of colours...

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Spring Gardening

3rd January 2021

Doubtless, as for many others, it feels like the whole family is starting to suffer from cabin fever...

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Compost 3.0

20th September 2020

It is that time of year again when we get ready for planting bulbs in earnest...

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Container Planting

9th August 2020

Whatever the style of our gardens the use of pots and containers offer us the opportunity to incorporate something different...

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Your Gardens

3rd May 2020

I would like to start by thanking all of you for the lovely pictures and videos you have shared with me over the past week...

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Keep on Digging

22nd March 2020

Last week I reported that we had just moved our dutch-light greenhouse as part of the preparation for the Chelsea Flower Show...

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Some of my Favourites.

7th January 2020

I thought I would take this opportunity to focus on some of the lesser used summer flowering bulbs that add enchantment throughout the summer...

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Ordering Time

16th September 2019

After a summer of emails contemplating various planting possibilities for the spring garden...

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Chilli Powder

19th August 2019

Preventing rodent damage to bulbs Over the years there have been many suggestions for dealing with the problem...

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Autumn Bulbs

12th August 2019

Whilst I hope that everyone has now started to plan their spring garden it is worth taking some time to think about your garden in the autumn...

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A Bulb Border

15th July 2019

Spring flowering bulbs are an essential part of all gardens, every year bringing the first colour to the border after the largely dormant winter months....

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Choosing your Daffodfils

8th July 2019

It was always this time of year, the start of the summer holidays, that we were sent with a fork in hand to start the lifting our daffodils...

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Tulips at Chelsea

3rd June 2019

Our spring shows are now over for another year and I am happy to report that they again culminated with Gold at the Chelsea Flower Show...

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Lily Pests and Diseases

25th February 2019

What a beautiful day. As we are enjoying this unseasonably warm weather I thought now would be a good time to revisit the problem of the lily beetle...

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Making Your Garden Eco-Friendlier

Making Your Garden Eco-Friendlier

There are 12 million gardeners in the UK, and the number keeps on growing. There are a number of factors for the increase in popularity, but one that cannot be ignored is a general change in perception and understanding of the effects of global warming. Gardeners understand the importance of nature; a single forest tree will absorb 48 pounds of cO2 in a single year, and plants help to moderate greenhouse gases through the process of transpiration. Making changes to your garden to make it more environmentally friendly can have lasting benefits both to the eco-system and your garden.

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How To Care for Your Tulips

If you are going to lift your tulips, now is the time to do so. Gardening on heavy soil or in very shaded areas during July and August may necessitate this. The flowers will always tend to be at their best in the first year of planting. For prominent borders and containers it is advisable to plant new bulbs, this years bulbs should be lifted and can then be replanted in the autumn either in the garden or used for cutting next spring.

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No Need to Worry

13th August 2017

With my cousin in Holland we start securing our stocks from January onwards. By June everything is locked down, even before the bulbs have been lifted. After harvest until the end of the season we are in constant contact with our network of growers to ensure we have the seasons best bulbs.

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66th Chelsea Gold Medal

1st June 2017

Bloms Bulbs is proud to announce that we were awarded our 66th Gold Medal at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show. Thanks to the dedicated hard work of all of our staff we were able to display 200 different varieties of cut Tulip this year on our stand which helped wow the crowds and cameras alike.


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RHS Malvern Spring Show 2017 and Bloms Bulbs Show Gardens

20th May 2017

Set in the beautiful Malvern Hills, Bloms Bulbs are happy to announce the completion of another successful Malvern Spring Show for which we won a Gold Medal for our display. We very much enjoyed meeting our customers who came to our stand in the extension of the Floral Marquee, it is always a pleasure meeting our customers face to face to discuss what has been occurring it the garden this year.


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Bloms Autumn 2017 Catalogue

17th May 2017

At the time of writing this, I have just started picking the first of this year’s show tulips, it is the end of March and by my calculations, we are approximately two weeks ahead of last year, so yet another challenging year lies ahead, but as gardeners we are well used to difficult years. Our gardens likewise will soon be in full bloom and all our efforts through last Autumn should come to fruition.

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Bloms Show Gardens

15th May 2017

Every year, see Bloms Bulbs Tulips at their very best. Visit our show gardens across the country to take inspiration from the planting of thousands of Tulips in the gardens and a breath-taking display of cut flowers in vases.

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The Garden Amaryllis

Today it is so cold and miserable that to cheer myself up I thought I may give some thought to my oncoming summer garden.


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Hyacinths Alert

7th September 2016

Just a quick note on hyacinths. Much of the crop this year has suffered from a bacterial infection,

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Choosing your Daffodils

As an active member of the RHS Bulb Committee, I have been extensively involved with their bulb trials over the years. I have put together the daffodil collection in my catalogue from the very best of the many hundreds available.
It can often seem quite daunting to choose just the right plant, given the enormous range from which to choose. An important starting point has to be the desired location, here are some pointers.

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Spotlight: Autumn Flowering Bulbs

6th August 2016

With August coming around again seemingly quicker every year, I am finally able to find a free moment to sit down and plan out my garden for the coming year. Autumn through to Winter is a quiet time in most people’s gardens but with our Autumn Flowering Bulbs I can add a fresh burst of colour to my borders as the Summer flowers are fading. The plants that can do this for me include our Colchicums, which are only available until the 15th September, Autumn Flowering Crocus and the Hardy Cyclamen.

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Miniature Tulips

We strive to bring you the very best bulbs available on the market. Thanks to our network with Holland’s supreme growers which we have developed over 150 year history we able to bring you the best and biggest bulbs.

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Online Ordering Made Easy

22nd July 2016

As some of our more eagle eyed customers might have noticed we have re-designed our website to help make it more customer friendly. With this re-design we have included new features which will make ordering your bulbs easier than it has ever been before: Introducing our Quick Order Form and Checkout as Guest options.

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Bloms Bulbs Win 65th Gold Medal at Chelsea Flower Show

6th June 2016

The Chelsea Flower Show is without doubt one of the most prestigious flower shows in the world and a highlight of the horticultural calendar. We are pleased to announce that after another successful year we have been awarded our 65th Gold Medal Award.

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Summer Patio Choices

22nd February 2016

Although currently still in the midst of winter, now is the time to contemplate and plan your summer garden. There are many alternatives to the traditional summer tub and container planting schemes that we seem to repeat year on year. 

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Uplift Your Spirits

15th October 2015

Bulbs for the Alpine Border and Rock Garden


The Alpine Border and Rock Garden provide many of the smaller spring bulbs with the extra attention they truly deserve but do not always receive. Miniature bulbs tend to need far less care than many other alpine plants, and if left undisturbed will naturalise freely.

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