News: Your Gardens


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Your Gardens

While the weather has definitely cooled, we were lucky to get some much-needed rain and I have been making the most of the tulips in my own garden. Whilst we all include tulips as the standout flower in our spring displays, I feel we often overlook the smaller species tulips that have been bringing me so much pleasure these last weeks.

These beautiful tulips, also known as botanical tulips, are the wildflowers of the tulip family and the parents of the larger more extravagant hybrids of which we are so familiar with today. Tulip acuminata, dating back to the 17th century is widely thought to be the parent of the modern lily flowered tulips.

By their very nature, the species tulips are amongst the most versatile and long-lasting of all the tulips we grow. Planted in a rich well-drained position they will flower for many years to come. With some planning and to suit your garden these tulips can be chosen to flower anytime from late March to early May.


I would also like to thank all of you for the lovely pictures and videos you have shared with me over the past week. They have been a joy and a real inspiration during these trying times.


We are in the process of uploading many of your pictures to our website. The first batch are now available to view at Please continue to check back during the week as we will be adding more over the next several days.


As always, enjoy your gardens and stay safe.


Chris Blom


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