News: Some Of My Favourites


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Some of my Favourites.

As it looks like we are heading for colder weather I thought I would take this opportunity to focus on some of the lesser used summer flowering bulbs that add enchantment throughout the summer. Here is a selection of but a few.

For me, these are an essential plant for every winter and late summer/autumn garden. The C.coum flower January to March, C.neapolitanum flower from September. They need a position offering some shade and are often found at their best growing under tall trees or in the shrubbery. Work in some leaf mould when planting and make sure all perennial weeds have been well cleared. Once planted the corms will not want to be moved.
Once established they will happily self-seed to carpet the ground around them. As lime lovers, they will benefit from a top-dressing incorporating lime and leaf mould every other year.


An extremely useful bulb that flowers from August to September, an often difficult time for many herbaceous plants. They will be at their best in well-drained soil planted 10cm deep and 20-25cm apart. Their makes a striking display against the backdrop of a hedge of contrasting wall or fence.

Known as the Mexican Tiger Flower or Tiger Iris these bulbs should be more often used than they are. Given full sun, which is essential for them to flower, they will produce a dazzling display of colour throughout the summer. If you are prepared to take the gamble of a glorious summer you will be well rewarded. Hold off planting until the ground starts to warm (hopefully late March / early April) and in colder parts give some protection during winter.


If you would like to contact us directly please email The feedback from our valued customers, is essential to my role in providing you with the best collection of bulbs from the many varieties available today.

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