News: Ordering Time


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Ordering Time

After a summer of emails contemplating various planting possibilities for the spring garden September and the bulbs have finally arrived. 
September marks the start of the new bulb planting season and if you haven’t already done so, the time to order your bulbs.

Tulips, daffodils and hyacinths are the staples of the spring garden but there are many more that should warrant our attention. I always try and include something I have not had in the garden before, adding a new point of interest in the spring. 

Consider starting spring early with snowdrops, aconites, crocus and cyclamen. Alliums extend the colour from surrounding plantings and offer dramatic results in late spring and early summer. Fritillaries are beautiful and rewarding plants to grow, they love the light shade of woodland conditions and can be stunning in pots. Iris offer superb value and are perfect for both borders and containers.

There are of course many more outstanding spring bulbs in our catalogue and on our website. I hope you enjoy browsing these this weekend and look forward to being of service to you again this year.A

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