News: Online Ordering Made Easy


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Online Ordering Made Easy

As some of our more eagle eyed customers might have noticed we have re-designed our website to help make it more customer friendly. With this re-design we have included new features which will make ordering your bulbs easier than it has ever been before: Introducing our Quick Order Form and Checkout as Guest options.

Quick Order Form (top right of our webpage).This will allow you to quickly add multiple products to your cart using the product codes provided in our catalogue . This will enable our customers who receive our catalogue a new and quicker way to place an order. If you have not yet received our catalogue and wish to do so please Contact Us

To use this all you need to do is select Quick Order Form at the top right of our webpage (under our new search bar) and enter the codes and the quantity of bulbs you wish to purchase. Next click the Re-Verify Selection button to confirm which items you are ordering and once you are satisfied choose the Add to cart option in the bottom right corner to be taken to your cart which will now show the items you selected, proceed by clicking on the GO TO CHECKOUT button. From here you will be able to either sign in or use our second new feature Checkout as Guest.

Checkout as Guest is a great new feature which allows you to process an online order without the hassle of logging into our system . Since we moved to a new computer system last Autumn we have been contacted by several customers who could not remember their old login details and therefore not access their account. Checkout as guest allows customers to quickly place an order without the difficulties sometimes encountered by logging in.

These new features will not be take away from our traditional mail order service and we will continue to send out catalogues for many years to come. If you have any questions about orders or bulbs you can e-mail and we will be happy to assist you. Alternatively as always you can telephone us on 01234-709099 we love hearing from you.

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