News: New Spring Catalogue


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New Spring Catalogue

Welcome to my spring 2019 catalogue and the start of a new gardening year. Most of my catalogues have now been posted, I hope they have reached you with good speed. As I write this email the weather has turned colder which is not at all bad for your spring bulbs. A period of cold is important to allow sufficient root development to support plant growth, otherwise your bulbs will suffer short stunted growth and poor flowers.

he herbaceous border is a quintessential part of the British garden but does require a lot of maintenance to avoid a neglected look, especially after bad weather. My spring collection of ‘summer flowering bulbs’ provide a varied and interesting display throughout the summer months and into the autumn and can be either complimentary to or used as alternative to the herbaceous border in some parts of the garden. Using flowering trees and shrubs as a backdrop the bulbs provide stunning colour and variation throughout the year. Apart from the removal of perennial weeds and a yearly mulch there will be little else to do. Used for bedding their colours are often more vibrant and striking than traditional bedding plants, more so if we have a poor summer.

I hope that my collection proves to be of value to you and I look forward to being of service again this year.
Chris Blom

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