News: Hello 2022


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Hello 2022

Firstly, let me wish you a belated happy new year.

With everything else going on the world, the garden looks much the same as it does every January. We are enjoying a beautiful crisp sunny morning, reminding us again that nature is in a perpetual state of forward motion, unencumbered with the comings and goings of daily life. It will not be long until we welcome spring colour back into our gardens. 

On that note, our website is changing seasons at the end of the week, if you happen to need any more spring bulbs this is the last week to get them in.

Everyone is still working through all the changes brought on by BREXIT and the horticultural industry has not been exempt. The whole experience has been a mish mash of paperwork and computer generated forms. For those of us who can remember life before the EU the process seems far more complicated than it needed to be. Hopefully, all the bugs have been worked out and 2022 will be plain sailing!

The trend amongst the tulip growers in Holland continues to favour growing high yield larger crops. Health certificates and inspections are comparatively more expensive for the smaller specialist growers. When you consider that 80% of the tulips grown are for the cut flower trade it is inevitable that there will be increasing pressure on the availability of many of the proven garden varieties that we have all grown for years.

This is starting to be very evident in many of the bulb collections offered over the last year. Not only are the bulb sizes generally smaller but many of the bulbs offered are not the most suitable garden varieties. Thankfully most of our customers know this and realise the importance of supporting the smaller specialist growers across the whole horticultural spectrum.
Enjoy your garden,
Chris Blom

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