Bloms Bulbs 65th Gold Medal At Chelsea Flower Show


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Bloms Bulbs Win 65th Gold Medal at Chelsea Flower Show

We are delighted to announce that following another successful year at the 2016 Chelsea Flower Show, we have come away from the event with our 65th Gold Medal. This is the second highest amount of gold medals won by any company at the show and it’s a real achievement for everyone at Bloms Bulbs.

Once again, the Chelsea Flower Show was a wonderful event to attend, bringing horticultural admirers together to celebrate beautiful blooms and remarkable designs. As longstanding attendees (only three other companies there have been operating for as long as we have), we particularly enjoyed the varied displays and vibrant atmosphere that this year brought with it.

It would seem we weren’t the only ones, as the 2016 show has been praised for its particularly high standards. Endorsements have been coming in from many important names in the horticultural world, amongst them Alan Titchmarsh and John Brookes. Chelsea also proved popular with its celebrity visitors, including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and Dame Judi Dench, whom we even had the pleasure of meeting ourselves!

The season of spring shows has been a busy one for Bloms Bulbs, and we have very much enjoyed being able to meet lots of our customers. The Malvern Spring Gardening Show and at the Chelsea Flower Show saw us win another Gold Medal, this time specifically for our tulip display. Bloms tulips have proved especially popular this season and have received positive reactions from all of our shows.

These were some of the most in-demand:

Maureen Tulips

These pure white, late flowering tulips are large and robust, making a statement in any garden.

Flaming Parrot Tulips

The perfect way to add a dash of colour, with creamy yellows, deep lemons and bright reds.

Queen of the Night Tulips

As the darkest member of the tulip family, the heads of these flowers are deep velvety maroon and black.

If you weren’t able to see us at any of this year’s shows, our new autumn planting catalogue is now available for you to view online. Our catalogues are always informed by the reactions of people who attend our shows, so you will be able to keep up-to-date with the favourite flowers and browse the season’s most popular bulbs.

Thank you for all of your support at our various shows, and we hope you will enjoy our new catalogue.

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