News: 2005 Way Back When


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2005 - Way back when.

Over the last several weeks, my garden has brought me great joy, Normally I would see very little of my own garden during April and May, I spend all my time looking after tulips for our annual flower shows. Late May into early June can often be an unusual time in the garden, where the transition from the spring to summer season is occurring.


Alliums provide an especially useful plant at this time of year. Here I defer to my father and have included his writing on alliums from 2005 that I think perfectly encapsulates the subject matter.

“Alliums are the perfect solution to that in-between time for gardeners, late Spring and early Summer. They provide a bold splash of colour when the Daffodils and Tulips have died down and the Herbaceous plants aren't showing any sign of flowering yet.

There are many different varieties within the Allium genus and they come in multitude of sizes, shapes and colours. These range from the bold showy types with their large sphereical heads to the small flowered Alliums which make excellent plants for either the border or the rock garden.

The foliage of Alliums is not its strong point, most have onion-like foliage, narrow and strappy. Therefore it is a good idea to interplant them near their more leafy neighbours. However, Ivory Queen is an exception to the rule. The foliage is much wider, similar to tulip foliage, and the colouring is a handsome blue-green. Place them at the front of the border as they are only small plants or they make a lovely display when grown in pots.

Of all the beautiful plants there are to choose from, Allium Globemaster ranks among the most outstanding. Its huge globe shaped head measures as much 25cm (10in) across and is borne on a stout stem 80cm (32in) tall which is able to withstand even the most adverse weather conditions. It also has glossy bright green foliage which makes it a perfect ornamental plant that will catch the eye anywhere in the garden. Although the herbaceous border is its more natural home, again, planted in a large container it produces a spectacular sight. It also makes an imposing and long lasting cut flower.

Allium bulbs are of a very easy culture. Although they will thrive almost anywhere, in general they are sun lovers and prefer well-drained, even sandy, soil. They are extremely hardy and will multiply and increase each year providing more and more flowers in years to come.”


Ronald Blom, 2005


As ever, enjoy your gardens.


Chris Blom


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