Flower Bulb Gardening Advice


Growing Instructions Miscellaneous Bulbs - F




Fritillaria imperialis (Crown Imperial) and persica

40455The elegant drooping bells of the Crown Imperial crested with glossy green foliage will grow to over 1.25m (4ft), whilst the splendid stately spikes of persica reach 90cm. They make excellent plants for large bedding schemes or for pockets in the border, creating a focal point. Flower from April onwards.

Fritillaria - species & meleagris hybrids

Generally these species and meleagris hybrids are natives of damp meadows and woodlands and do well in borders. They are easily grown in pots but are invaluable for naturalising in grass. Fritillaria meleagris will seed themselves freely once established. Flower from April onwards. [Photo: Fritillaria meleagris hybrids - 1330]

Planting Instructions:

Fritillaria - imperialis (Crown Imperial) and persica.

Plant on arrival 15cm (6") deep and 25cm (10") apart in fairly good well drained soil in a sunny open position. To encourage flowering in the following years apply a dressing of sulphate of potash in the Spring and Autumn.

Fritillaria - species & meleagris

Plant 5cm (2") deep and 7cm (3") apart in moisture retentive fertile soil. The exceptions are acmopetala and persica which require well drained gritty soil in full sun and pontica which needs protection from moisture when dormant. Position in sun or dappled shade.