Bulb Planting Advice

Growing Summer Flowering Bulbs


Acidanthera mureilae (Abyssian Gladiolus)

Plant 8-10cm deep on sharp sand in well-drained fertile soil in a sunny position. When foliage dies back lift and store new corms frost free.



Plant with 5cm of soil on top of the bulb. Thrive in a sunny well-drained position. Deadhead once finished flowering and if in garden they should be protected overwinter with a layer of straw or mulch.


Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids (Peruvian Lily)

Plant tubers deep, 25cm, in rich well drained soil in a sheltered place preferably facing South. Apply a thick mulch of compost every Autumn.



Plant in a sunny position in a fertile well-drained soil. Avoid damp sites in heavy soil and relatively hardy in winter, although if grown in pots may be best to move to a sheltered spot.



Plant in sunny situation to encourage flowering with the top of the bulb just below the surface. Performs best in a moderately-fertile, well-drained soil. In colder areas protect with a deep, dry mulch over winter.


Anemone coronaria

Plant in rich well drained soil from December until May, incorporating some well-rotted manure. By staggering the planting time a continuous supply of cut flowers may be obtained.


Bessera elegans (Coral Drops)

Plant 5cm deep in March in a well-drained soil in full sun, preferably in a sheltered south facing border. Keep dormant corms dry in winter



Plant in April in humus rich soil and water liberally when growth has emerged. Shade from the hot mid-day sun to ensure the best colour effect. Not winter hardy in most places so treat like Dahlias and lift tubers in Autumn.



Treat in a similar manner to Dahlias. Plant out in April in well-cultivated, humus rich soil in a sunny warm place. Lift the tubers after the first frost in Autumn and store frost free in the Winter.


Convallaria majalis (Lily of the Valley)

Plant the crowns in a moist soil in a shady place with the roots spreading well downwards. They normally require a season to become established, thereafter they will flower more profusely each year.


Cosmos Atrosanguineus

Treat in the same manner as Dahlia tubers and plant in April in a well-drained sunny postion. The tubers are slow to develop, usually flowering between August and October. Frost protection should be provided in the garden.



A good plant for a sheltered border, plant the bulbs with the neck showing just above the soil level and cover in Winter with a layer of bracken or compost.



An excellent border plant should be planted approximately 10cm deep with room to spread as they increase rapidly once established.


[Hardy] Cyclamen

Plant in a dampish site working in plenty of leaf-mould and apply a top dressing of the same when plants are dormant.


Eremurus (Foxtail Lily)

Plant tubers with the crown level with the soil but not covered. Good drainage is essential. Mark planting area with a cane to avoid treading on the tentacles and causing damage.



Plant 15cm deep in a fertile soil in full sun. Good drainage is essential so use a loam-based compost or well-drained soil.



Plant in a sheltered border, approximately 15cm deep and about 30cm apart. They do require some winter protection and need warm, fertile soil with plenty of sun and lots to water during the Summer.


Freesia Hybrids

Plant in April in a sunny sheltered part of the garden. In dry weather, water regularly.



A valuable border plant. Must have fertile, well-drained soil that does not dry out. In cold areas may need some winter protection. Provide a good amount of compost in Autumn to provide food and some protection. When in growth they will need plenty of water.



They will thrive in any good garden soil but like it to be well drained. Plant form March until June, 10cm deep and the same distance apart.


[Medium Flowering] Gladioli

Recommended planting depth of 6-8cm. These varieties are about half the height of the standard Gladioli so are ideal in borders or pots.


[Dwarf] Gladioli

Like the larger Gladioli they prefer good garden soil and should be protected from severe frosts.



Plant from February to April in a greenhouse where temperature can be maintained around 16°C. Use a 15-20cm pot and plant in light loam mixed with compost. Plant is of a climbing habit.



Plant deep in a well-drained neutral soil with full sun. If grown in containers, ensure there is enough room for roots to develop.


Hippeastrum Sonatini

Plant from March onwards with the neck of the bulb exposed in well-drained soil. Keep the area watered during the growth stage and fertiliser can be added once you have seen the first leaves develop. We recommend providing protection during severe winter weather with tree bark or bracken.



Plant in a sunny position in a well-drained position and water in well.



Plant in full sun in a fertile, well-drained soil which isn’t too wet in the winter months. Once flowering has finished deadhead and remove untidy foliage once dried


Liatris Spicata

Performs at its best in full sun and in moist fertile areas, but not wet over the winter. Deadhead and cut stems all the way back once flowering has finished.



Ideal situation is a well-drained sunny position, setting the bulbs with the nose just below the soil level, although in colder areas you can plant deeper. When plants have died down, they should be covered with a thick layer of bracken to give winter protection. Nerines are best left undisturbed.



Plant 10cm deep in either full sun or partial shade in a well-drained position.



Plant in full sun with the eye of the rhizome no deeper than 5cm from the soil surface. Water regularly and avoid planting too close to mature trees as they compete for nutrients.


Polianthes tuberosa

Grow in a warm sheltered place with maximum sunlight. Lift in Autumn and store frost-free.



Plant 5cm deep in damp, well-drained soil in an open sunny position. Ensure they are watered in dry periods and protected from harsh frost in the winter


Sandersonia aurantiaca

Plant in mid-March in a sheltered South facing position and use pea sticks to support the plants. In cold areas start in pots in a greenhouse using a mix of John Innes No. 2 and sharp sand.



Requires minimum temperature of 10°C so grow in greenhouse in full sun with necks at soil level. Water freely in growth and plant in a loam-based compost.



Plant in a sheltered position in a light, well-drained soil and protect during winter.



Plant in a sunny, well-drained position between 5-10 cm deep but do require winter protection with bracken from severe frosts.


Sprekelia formosissima (Jacobean Lily)

Set the bulbs just below ground level and apply a protective layer in the Winter. If in pots, cover the bulb up to two-thirds and keep in a cool greenhouse. Keep almost dry during dormant periods.


Tigridia pavonia [Mixed]

Plant 7cm deep in a sunny of semi-shaded position. Flowers only last one day but every spike produces a succession of flowers and each corm throws up several spikes.



Should be treated in a similar way to an Agapanthus. For best results plant in a dry sunny position.


Zantedeschia (Calla Lily)

Plant corms about 10cm deep in either a sunny border or a container in a well-drained soil incorporating plenty of compost or well-rotted manure. Perfectly winter hardy in normal conditions.


Flowering Guide


✓ = Available to Purchase

✿ = Flowering Period















Acidanthera murielae















Alstroemeria Ligtu Hybrids








Amarcrinum Howardii








Anemone coronaria








Bessera elegans























chlidanthus fragrans







Convallaria majalis









Cosmos Atrosanguineus























Hardy Cyclamen































Freesia Hybrids





















Dwarf Gladioli







Medium Flowering Gladioli






















Liatris Spicata






























Polianthes tuberosa













Sandersonia aurantiaca
















Sprekelia formosissima








Tigridia pavonia mixed







