Christmas Hyacinth Bulbs

Christmas Hyacinth

Blom's renowned Christmas Hyacinths are famous for their easy forcing qualities. Bulbs that have been properly prepared to ensure Christmas flowering are not available until early September, any that you see offered before this have not been properly treated! Please note that bulbs planted late in the Autumn season will flower after Christmas into the New Year.

The best growing medium is good quality bulb fibre which is preferable to soil-less compost as the latter compacts quite easily. The fibre should be moistened evenly. Fill the bowl up to two thirds, place the bulbs therein and add a sufficient amount of fibre to leave half the bulb exposed. Transfer the bowls to a cool and dark place (ideal temperature 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit) or better still place in a shady part of the garden. Water at regular intervals as the fibre must never be allowed to dry out. If this happens it will result in the shrivelling up of the root system and the development of the plants will cease. When the shoots have grown to a height of about 6-7 cm they may be transferred to the light at a temperature of about 65 degrees Fahrenheit, where they will develop to perfection.


Picture: Pink Pearl (Click here to view.)


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